
Business is key to the success of the Policies within the EU Green Deal, Farm to Fork Strategy and United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

A Collective Commitment for Action

"We are at a critical time for action to adapt to the challenges of a warming world with more people and competing demands on resources. Livestock production is the most resource intensive stage of the animal-based food chain.

Executive summary

This publication provides a clear understanding of the concept of a circular bioeconomy for the animal-based food value chain.

A Circular Bioeconomy for the animal-based food value chain

A Circular Bioeconomy is defined by the European Commission  as an economy in which renewable biological resources and their residues are produced and converted into value added products, such as food, feed, bio-based products and bioenergy.

Our Role In A Circular Bioeconomy For The Animal-Based Food Value Chain

Processing animal by-products (ABP) became a widespread and efficient practice in the meat industry in the 19th – 20th century yet most people outside the industry are probably unaware of this essential activity.

Sustainable Processing

In processing ABP and ECP from our supply chain partners and returning some of the derived products back to the cycle as feed and fertiliser, we are key in closing the circular bioeconomy loop.

Creating value for all stakeholders

Our products are used in a variety of applications as shown in the hierarchy in the figure alongside. This illustrates the products where most added value is achieved, where feasible.


The Climate pillar is our key strength. Our members directly support environmental sustainability by utilising by-products that would otherwise be treated as food waste, thus diverting it from landfills and other undesirable disposal options.


Our role is to safely collect and process ABP and edible co-products into useful healthy products.


The animal by-products processing industry’s established role in the animal-based food value chain and our circular bioeconomy credentials are generally unknown yet we make a significant contribution to society every day and have a great story to